All functions of somnio explained

In somnio, the effective methods of cognitive behavioral therapy have been implemented into a digital application and are continuously adapted to the individual needs of our users.
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What is somnio?

somnio is an app on prescription for the treatment of sleep onset and sleep maintenance disorders. With the help of somnio, those affected can finally begin effective treatment quickly and easily - by using their smartphone, tablet or computer

somnio is the first permanently approved digital health application (DiGA) in the field of sleep medicine and can be prescribed by physicians and psychotherapists in Germany.

Treatment approach in somnio

Cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I) is recommended as first treatment method for adult insomnia patients by the German Sleep Society (DGSM). somnio was developed based on this method. In the course of your CBT-I training, you learn, among other things, to establish sleep-promoting habits, optimize your personal sleep times and replace dysfunctional attitudes regarding sleep with more sleep-promoting ones.

The purpose of somnio is to help reduce patients' insomnia symptoms.

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How can somnio help you?

concept benefit 1
Understand your sleep problems and put them into context
concept benefit 2
Handle racing and ruminating thoughts
Learn relaxation techniques to help you fall asleep faster
concept benefit 4
Optimize your sleep times
Increase your focus and performance during the day
concept benefit 6
Document sleep times & analyze progress

The modules of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I)

As a DiGA, somnio is a health application with CE marking, digitally implementing the methods of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia (CBT-I). Each individual method used tackles a specific aspect of the "vicious cycle of insomnia".

Your digital sleep expert

Albert, the digital sleep expert, is the embodiment of an intelligent algorithm developed by sleep researchers. Albert helps the patients navigate step by step through the application, provides a detailed and easy to understand guidance, and teaches the user important facts about sleep.
albert hand out

The app in detail

Albert, the digital sleep expert introduces himself in the first module and then proceeds to ask questions concerning the current condition of the patient's sleep and the type and scope of their sleep problems.
In the sleep journal module, you will be introduced to the sleep journal, the essential tool of your sleep training. It consists of a morning and evening log. Based on your entries into this journal, the app analyzes your sleep development over time (bedtime, sleep time and sleep efficiency).
Patients are provided with important information about sleep. This includes scientifically based findings on sleep stages, sleep rhythm, optimal sleep quantity and further essential foundational knowledge. Misconceptions concerning sleep will thereby be corrected and sleep-preventing worries and concerns tackled gradually.
The knowledge acquired during training with somnio will be tested, used actively and thus consolidated.
Users learn what a sleep disorder actually is, how frequent they are, what causes them and why they prevail. Also, you will set up an individual "cycle of insomnia" model.
This module is about the importance of a regular sleep-wake rhythm. Patients learn about the meaning of bedtime restriction for the treatment of problems related to falling and staying asleep. Based on previous sleep journal data and results from the sleep type test, the app will suggest an individual sleep window. In addition, Albert thoroughly addresses possible concerns about the bedtime restriction, as it represents a challenge to many patients.
In this module, you can learn about and practice effective relaxation techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation (PMR). PMR has proven particularly effective in shortening the time it takes patients to fall asleep time.
In this module, patients will learn everything about the numerous factors that can positively or negatively influence sleep ("sleep hygiene rules"). Common misconceptions about sleep are corrected and the digital sleep expert assists in integrating sleep-conducive habits into everyday life. Furthermore, the methods of stimulus control are explained and introduced as part of this module.
The purpose of this module is to identify thoughts that prevent the patient from sleeping and then practice a more sleep-promoting way of dealing with them. During this "cognitive restructuring", unrealistic expectations with regard to sleep and common misconceptions will be addressed and modified.
Typical situations everyday life situations make up the core of this module. These situations often trigger so-called safety seeking behavior in patients. Users then learn how to deal with this kind of situations.
Patients are given a thorough review of their sleep training and can put their acquired sleep knowledge to the test.
After finishing all relevant CBT-I training modules, the development of the most important sleep metrics and insomnia symptoms will be re-evaluated at regular intervals.
Gemeinsam mit dem digitalen Schlafcoach erfassen die Nutzer:innen immer wieder Ergebnisse zum eigenen Schlafverhalten bzw. zur Schlafveränderung und es erfolgt eine Analyse, ob die Nutzer:innen den persönlichen Zielen zur Schlafverbesserung näherkommen.
Module infographic en

Wie funktioniert somnio?

Mithilfe unseres Produktvideos erhältst du einen schnellen Überblick zur Funktionsweise von somnio.


The efficacy of digital CBT-I with somnio has already been proven several times. Two randomized controlled trials and a real-world study in Germany confirmed the effectiveness of somnio as a digital treatment for insomnia. A recently published secondary analysis of sleep disorders in patients with conspicuous symptoms of depression and anxiety has also shown that digital CBT-I with somnio can also reduce the symptoms of depression and anxiety disorders.

Proving the application's positive care effect (improving a patient's state of health) and the evaluation decision of the BfArM for permanent approval as a digital health application are also based on the findings of this study.

The BfArM states: statistical analyses showed that the use of somnio has the potential to help patients successfully reduce their insomnia symptoms in the long run.
Evaluation decision of the BfArM
A DiGA provides a positive care effect if the patient's health or their options for dealing with the disease improve through the use of the health application.
This can be achieved through a direct influence on, for example, the symptoms of an illness or symptoms associated with the illness, such as pain alleviation.

This effect is called medical benefit. It also includes improving the quality of life in connection with the general health-related situation of the patient.

Instructions for use

All information on how to use somnio correctly can be found in the latest version of the instructions for use. You can download it here as a PDF.
Instructions for use
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Supported devices

For running somnio the used device must be constantly connected to the Internet and meet the following minimum hardware requirements:
1.8 GHz CPU (dual core)
PowerVR GT7600 GPU (or similar)
8GB memory
somnio is available as an app on Apple App Store and Google Play Store.
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Required operating system: iOS 13.5 / Android 8.0 or above
The program can be run on all devices (laptop, PC, tablet, smartphone) regardless of the operating system as long as they are compatible with one of the following web browsers:

Desktop & Laptop

Chrome (v. 83)
Firefox (v. 78)
Edge (v. 83)
Safari (v. 13)

Mobile devices

iOS Safari (v. 13.5)
Android Browser (v. 81) with Android 8.0 or above
Chrome for iOS (v. 84)
Chrome for Android (v. 81) with Android 8.0 or above (v. 83)
DiGA users can export all personal data stored in the program in a machine-readable format (JSON) at any time.

JSON (Javascript Object Notation) is a widely used standard on the Internet for exchanging structured data. More information can be found here.

We also offer export in MIO DIGA Toolkit format, which is suitable for the electronic patient record (ePA). Further information can be found here.
You can download all your personal data stored about you by somnio.

For DiGA users: Go to “profile” in the menu and click on “Download” in the "Export" section. The app will generate a machine-readable extract of the relevant data.

The data is will be exported in standardized JSON format. The associated JSON schema can be found here.

An explanation of how to interpret the data can be found in the graphical representation of the JSON schema by clicking here.

A technical description of the JSON schema can be found on the standard's official website.
In addition, you can also download your sleep journal entries as Excel and PDF files under “Profile”.

Other users (direct registration via Techniker Krankenkasse, CSS, Generali Health Solutions): Contact our support team at to receive an export of your files in JSON format.
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Interested in somnio?

Register here and tackle your sleep problems now. If you do not yet have an activation code, you will receive all the necessary information during the registration process.
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Data privacy & security

As a DiGA, somnio fully complies with the requirements for data protection and information security as required by the General Data Protection Regulation and the Digital Health Applications Ordinance (DiGAV). 
mementor has been certified according to ISO/IEC 27001. The strength of our information security management system (ISMS) can therefore be verified obectively and reliably.